MeterSphere 接口测试基于 JMeter 实现,因此 JMeter 中的内置函数及变量在 MeterSphere 中都可以正常使用。内置函数及变量可以用在多个位置,包括QUERY参数、REST参数、请求体、前后置脚本等。
内置函数一般以两个下划线开头,并使用类似 ${__functionName(var1,var2,var3)}
其中 __functionName
和 var3
变量可以通过类似 ${varName}
的形式引用,其中 varName
函数类型 | 函数名称 | 函数说明 |
Information | threadNum | get thread number |
Information | threadGroupName | get thread group name |
Information | samplerName | get the sampler name (label) |
Information | machineIP | get the local machine IP address |
Information | machineName | get the local machine name |
Information | time | return current time in various formats |
Information | timeShift | return a date in various formats with the specified amount of seconds/minutes/hours/days added |
Information | log | log (or display) a message (and return the value) |
Information | logn | log (or display) a message (empty return value) |
Input | StringFromFile | read a line from a file |
Input | FileToString | read an entire file |
Input | CSVRead | read from CSV delimited file |
Input | XPath | Use an XPath expression to read from a file |
Input | StringToFile | write a string to a file |
Calculation | counter | generate an incrementing number |
Formatting | dateTimeConvert | Convert a date or time from source to target format |
Calculation | digest | Generate a digest (SHA-1, SHA-256, MD5...) |
Calculation | intSum | add int numbers |
Calculation | longSum | add long numbers |
Calculation | Random | generate a random number |
Calculation | RandomDate | generate random date within a specific date range |
Calculation | RandomFromMultipleVars | extracts an element from the values of a set of variables separated by | |
Calculation | RandomString | generate a random string |
Calculation | UUID | generate a random type 4 UUID |
Scripting | groovy | run an Apache Groovy script |
Scripting | BeanShell | run a BeanShell script |
Scripting | javaScript | process JavaScript (Nashorn) |
Scripting | jexl2 | evaluate a Commons Jexl2 expression |
Scripting | jexl3 | evaluate a Commons Jexl3 expression |
Properties | isPropDefined | Test if a property exists |
Properties | property | read a property |
Properties | P | read a property (shorthand method) |
Properties | setProperty | set a JMeter property |
Variables | split | Split a string into variables |
Variables | eval | evaluate a variable expression |
Variables | evalVar | evaluate an expression stored in a variable |
Properties | isVarDefined | Test if a variable exists |
Variables | V | evaluate a variable name |
String | char | generate Unicode char values from a list of numbers |
String | changeCase | Change case following different modes |
String | escapeHtml | Encode strings using HTML encoding |
String | escapeOroRegexpChars | quote meta chars used by ORO regular expression |
String | escapeXml | Encode strings using XMl encoding |
String | regexFunction | parse previous response using a regular expression |
String | unescape | Process strings containing Java escapes (e.g. \n & \t) |
String | unescapeHtml | Decode HTML-encoded strings |
String | urldecode | Decode a application/x-www-form-urlencoded string |
String | urlencode | Encode a string to a application/x-www-form-urlencoded string |
String | TestPlanName | Return name of current test plan |